Saturday, October 15, 2011


 Here is a real fighting program for the Wall Street Occupation. This is reprinted from Webster Tarpley's page. Go to for more information.

by Webster G. Tarpley,
November 14, 2009

The US and the world are gripped by a deepening economic depression. There is no recovery and no automatic business cycle which will revive the economy. This bottomless depression will worsen until policies are reformed. The depression results from deregulated and globalized financial speculation, especially the $1.5 quadrillion world derivatives bubble. The US industrial base has been gutted, and the US standard of living has fallen by almost two thirds over the last four decades. We must reverse this trend of speculation, de-industrialization, and immiseration. Current policy bails out bankers, but harms working people, industrial producers, farmers, and small business. We must defend civil society and democratic institutions from the effects of high unemployment and economic breakdown. We therefore demand:

1. Measures to reduce speculation and minimize the burden of fictitious capital: End all bailouts of banks and financial institutions. Claw back the TARP and other public money given or lent to financiers. Abolish the notion of too big to fail; JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Citibank, Wells Fargo and other Wall Street zombie banks are insolvent and must be seized by the FDIC for chapter 7 liquidation, with derivatives eliminated by triage. Re-institute the Glass-Steagall firewall to separate banks, brokerages, and insurance. Ban credit default swaps and adjustable rate mortgages. To generate revenue and discourage speculation, levy a 1% Tobin tax (securities transfer tax or trading tax) on all financial transactions including derivatives (futures, options, indices, and over the counter derivatives), stocks, bonds, foreign exchange, and commodities, especially program trading, high-frequency trading, and flash trading. Set up a 15% reserve requirement for all OTC derivatives. Use Tobin tax revenue and a revived corporate income tax to provide immediate tax relief to individuals, families, the self-employed, and small business by increasing personal exemptions and standard deductions. Stop all foreclosures on primary residences, businesses, and farms for five years or the duration of the depression, whichever lasts longer. Set a 10% maximum rate of interest on credit cards and payday loans. Re-regulate commodities markets with 100% margin requirements, position limits, and anti-speculation protections for hedgers and end users to prevent oil and gasoline price spikes. Enforce labor laws and anti-trust laws against monopolies and cartels. Restore individual chapter 11.

2. Measures to nationalize the Federal Reserve, cut federal borrowing, and provide 0% federal credit for production: Seize the Federal Reserve and bring it under the US Treasury as the National Bank of the United States, no longer the preserve of unelected and unaccountable cliques of incompetent and predatory bankers. The size of the money supply, interest rates, and approved types of lending must be determined by public laws passed and debated openly, passed by the congress and signed by the president. Stop US government borrowing from zombie banks and foreigners -- let the US government function as its own bank. Reverse current policy by instituting 0% federal LENDING with preferential treatment for tangible physical production and manufacturing of goods and commodities, to include industry, agriculture, construction, mining, energy production, transportation, infrastructure building, public works, and scientific research, but not financial services and speculation. Issue successive tranches of $1 trillion as needed to create 30 million union-wage productive jobs and attain full employment for the first time since 1945, reversing the secular decline in the US standard of living. Provide 0% credit to reconvert idle auto and other plants and re-hire unemployed workers to build modern rail, mass transit, farm tractors, and aerospace equipment, including for export. Extend 0% federal credit for production to small businesses like auto and electronics repair shops, dry cleaners, restaurants, tailors, family farms, taxis, and trucking. Maintain commercial credit for retail stores. Create an unlimited rediscount guarantee by the National Bank for public works projects to provide cash to local banks for bills of exchange pertaining to infrastructure and public works. Repatriate the foreign dollar overhang by encouraging China, Japan, and other dollar holders to place orders for US-made capital goods and modern hospitals. Revive the US Export-Import Bank. Set up a 10% tariff to protect domestic re-industrialization. Nationalize and operate GM, Chrysler, CIT, and other needed but insolvent firms as a permanent public sector. Maintain Amtrak and USPS.

3. Measures to re-industrialize, build infrastructure, develop science drivers, create jobs, and restore a high-wage economy: state and local governments and special government agencies modeled on the Tennessee Valley Authority will be prime contractors for an ambitious program of infrastructure and public works subcontracted to the private sector. To deal with collapsing US infrastructure, modernize the US elgeneration, pebble bed, high temperature reactors of 1,000 to 2,000 megawatts each. Rebuild the rail system with 50,000 miles of ultra-modern maglev Amtrak rail reaching into every state. Rebuild the entire interstate highway system to 21st century standards. Rebuild drinking water and waste water systems nationwide. Promote canal building and irrigation. For health care, build 1,000 500-bed modern hospitals to meet the minimum Hill-Burton standards of 1946. Train 250,000 doctors over the next decade. The Davis-Bacon Act will mandate union pay scales for all projects. For the farm sector, provide a debt freeze for the duration of the crisis, 0% federal credit for working capital and capital improvements, a ban on foreclosures, and federal price supports at 110% of parity across the board, with farm surpluses being used for a new Food for Peace program to stop world famine and genocide. Working with other interested nations, invest $100 billion each in: biomedical research to cure dread diseases; high energy physics (including lasers) to develop fusion power and beyond; and a multi-decade NASA program of moon-Mars manned exploration, permanent colonization, and industrial production. These science drivers will provide the technological spin-offs to modernize the entire US economy in the same way that the NASA moon shot gave us microchips and computers in the 1960s. These steps will expand and upgrade the national stock of capital goods and enhance the real productivity of US labor. Return the federal budget and foreign trade to surplus in 5 years or less.

4. Measures to defend and expand the social safety net: Restore all cuts; full funding at improved levels for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, jobless benefits, WIC, Head Start, and related programs. Offer Medicare for All to anyone under 65 who wants it at $100 per person per month, with reduced rates for families, students, and the unemployed. Pay for this with Tobin tax revenues and TARP clawback, and by ending the Iraq and Afghan wars. Seek to raise life expectancy by five years for starters. No rationing or death panels; savings can come only by finding cures. Quickly reach a $15 per hour living wage. Repeal the Taft-Hartley Act and affirm the right to organize. Pass card check to promote collective bargaining.

5. Measures to re-launch world trade and promote world recovery: Create a new world monetary system including the euro, the yen, the dollar, and the ruble, plus emerging Arab and Latin American regional currencies, with fixed exchange rates and narrow bands of fluctuation enforced by participating governments. Institute clearing and gold settlement among member states. Replace the IMF with a Multilateral Development Bank to finance world trade and infrastructure. The goal of the system must be to re-launch world trade through exports of high-technology capital goods, especially to sub-Saharan Africa, south Asia, and the poorer parts of Latin America. Promote a world Marshall Plan of great projects of world infrastructure, including: a Middle East reconstruction and development program; plans for the Ganges-Bramaputra, Indus, Mekong, Amazon, and Nile-Congo river basins; bridge-tunnel combinations to span the Bering Strait, the Straits of Gibraltar, the Straits of Malacca, the Sicilian narrows, and connect Japan to the Asian mainland; second Panama canal and Kra canals; Eurasian silk road, Cape to Cairo/Dakar to Djibouti, Australian coastal, and Inter-American rail projects, and more. American businesses will receive many of these orders, which means American jobs.

This program will create 30 million jobs in less than five years. It will end the depression, rebuild the US economy, improve wages and standards of living, re-start productive investment, and attain full employment with increased levels of capital investment per job. Most orders placed under this program will go to US private sector bidders. Because of the vastly increased volume of goods put on the market, inflation will not result.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Funny, Stalin didn't look Catholic

Greg Szymanski appears to be competing with Eric Jon Phelps to become the leading anti-Catholic activist in the United States.  Szymanski seems to be willing to make any claim against the Catholic Church, as long as it fits his warped bigotry.  In an article entitled “Jesuits and Stalin: Like Father Like Son,” Szymanski claims that Stalin was trained by the Jesuits to be a tyrannically bloody communist dictator.  Szymanski provides little or no evidence to prove his arguments as we demonstrate here.

Szymanski claims that Stalin “was born to influential Catholic parents Vissarion “Beso” Dzhugashvili and Ekaterina “Keke” Geladze,” but provides no evidence to support his claim.  Szymanski writes that Stalin’s father was not a poor, violent alcoholic as most biographies describe him, but was in fact “a successful and relatively wealthy local businessman.”  Yet in the very quote that Szymanski uses to support his arguments, Stalin admits:

“My parents were uneducated.”

Now, can anyone in their right mind believe Stalin’s father an illiterate cobbler, and his wife (born a serf), living in Georgia in the 1870s were “successful and relatively wealthy” Catholics? 

He claims that Stalin studied at the “Catholic Cappuchin run school at Gori.” The truth, something Szymanski avoids as much as possible, is that the Stalin’s school at Gori was in fact an Orthodox one.

In An interview with Archbishop Andrei (Gvazava) of Samtavisi and Gori (Georgian Orthodox Church), we learn the truth about Stalin’s school:

– Tell us, Vladyka, about the diocese which you now govern.
– Now I am the ruling bishop of Samtavisi and Gori. This diocese was created at the Council of 1995, and it consists of two ancient cathedras. The Samtavissi cathedra is one of the twelve most ancient cathedras, which had been founded during the reign of the holy King Vakhtang Gorgasali in the sixth century. The Gori cathedra also has a long history. There are very deep Christian roots in the Gori region, just as in all of Georgia. The most ancient church in this territory dates from the sixth century. Patriarch Kyrion, Patriarch Leonid, Holy Hierarch Alexander, and Patriarch Ephraim were born in this diocese. One of the oldest educational institutions in Georgia, the theological school, was located in Gori. Now it is restored and functions as a theological school for children.

– Is that the educational institution where Stalin studied?
– Yes. Many other societal figures and outstanding Georgians studied there: Jacob Gogebashvili, Niko Lomouri, Niko Ketskhoveli, Lado Ketskhoveli.

So, we have an area like Gori with an ancient tradition of orthodox schools, cathedrals, and churches but somehow Szymanski has transformed Gori into a hotbed of Catholic indoctrination and intrigue. 

Without any evidence whatsoever, Szymanski claims that the Orthodox Seminary of Tiflis was a Jesuit institution and that Stalin was to be trained as a Jesuit priest.  His only source to back his claim is a quote from the devil himself, Stalin.  Szymanski quotes from an interview that Stalin conducted with author Emil Ludwig.  Szymanski makes it a point to reveal that Ludwig is Jewish and that his real name was Cohen.  Not to imply that Szymanski is one but, this is a typical habit of anti-Semites and Jewish conspiracy theorists.  Here is the quote that he cites:

Ludwig) What impelled you to become an oppositionist? Was it, perhaps, bad treatment by your parents? 
Stalin) No. My parents were uneducated, but they did not treat me badly by any means. But it was a different matter at the Orthodox theological seminary, which I was then attending. In protest against the outrageous regime and the Jesuitical methods prevalent at the seminary, I was ready to become, and actually did become, a revolutionary, a believer in Marxism as a really revolutionary teaching.

Now, lets examine what Stalin actually says here:

“But it was a different matter at the Orthodox theological seminary which I was then attending.”

Didn’t he say the Orthodox theological seminary that he was attending?  He did not say the Roman Catholic, Russian Catholic or the Byzantine Catholic seminary. He said the Orthodox theological seminary.  Now, lets go on to the next line, which we assume is that great revelation that is supposed to convince us of Stalin’s Catholicism:

“In protest against the outrageous regime and the Jesuitical methods prevalent at the seminary”

So, let’s examine what Stalin is really saying here.  Stalin is saying that an Orthodox seminary used methods that are Jesuitical.  Thus we have an Orthodox school of theology using methods that Stalin did not like, and he uses the pejorative term Jesuitical to describe them. Does this mean he is implying that the seminary was Catholic?  Remember what he said: 

“But it was a different matter at the Orthodox theological seminary, which I was then attending.”

We should also remember that Stalin was extremely anti-Catholic and a persecutor of the Catholic Church and much of the Orthodox Christian community.  Any reference to Catholicism and Church practices were never flattering. 

In fact here is a page dedicated to Catholics martyred by the brutal Stalinist regime:

Szymanski goes on to claim that Stalin’s closest friend at Tiflis was a classmate Krikor Bedros Aghajanian and that this classmate became a “ruthless Catholic cardinal who went on to control the death camps in Siberia under Stalin’s rule.”

Yet we find that Krikor Bedros Aghajanian or GrĂ©goire-Pierre XV Agagianian was born in 1895. This fact is also documented on official biographical websites. 

Stalin on the other hand was born in 1878 and was expelled from an Orthodox seminary in 1899. How would it have been possible in 1895 for the 16-year-old Stalin to be best friends with the infant Krikor Bedros Aghajanian?

Further, there is no evidence anywhere that Aghajanian, a Cardinal and leader of the Armenian Catholic Church, was anywhere involved with the Soviet regime and any of it’s crimes. Aghajanian died on May 16, 1971, of cancer, in Rome.  He was buried in the Armenian church of S. Nicola da Tolentino, Rome.

Szymanski then claims (without any evidence of course) that Stalin was not expelled from a Georgian Orthodox seminary, in 1899 for revolutionary activities, but graduated as a Jesuit priest. When did that happen?

Szymanski wonders out loud “how a seminary student of seven years suddenly appeared influential and active in coordinating the Georgian Social-Democratic movement less than 12 months later – an achievement that could not possibly have happened without substantial support.”

Really? Why is this so hard for Szymanski to believe? A young, intelligent, fearless, crafty sociopathic individual like Stalin should have had no trouble rising to the helm of an underground movement in no time.  The void caused by the oppressive Czarist regime would have been enough to allow a strong willed person to take charge quickly and effectively. 

In order to read the rest of Szymanski’s article on Stalin, the wafer eating Romanist Papist, we would have to lay out some cash to have that “privilege.”  We decided to pass.  We couldn’t imagine that there would be anything more convincing no matter how many pages Szymanski devotes to this subject.  

What motivates Szymanski?  We're not sure.  It’s obvious to everyone that a general break down of the world financial system dominated by Wall Street and the City of London is well underway.  In order to preserve this system in some mangled and degenerate form the Anglo-American oligarchs will do anything in their power to divert attention from themselves and their complicity in the catastrophic collapse of civilization.  It is an old British trick to use religion and religious warfare as a means of dividing the vast majority against each other. This takes the heat off them.

Szymanski could be one in a long line of individuals and groups that functions on behalf of the oligarchy, against multiethnic, multi-denominational, multiracial unity.  The establishment power brokers know, if the working people stop scapegoating each other and instead target the financial elite and their henchmen, their
days are numbered. Whether Szymanski is on a particular payroll to produce his provocative material or he is just a demented hate monger we still don’t know.

All we do know is that Greg Szymanski serves the interests of the Anglo-American establishment well.

Friday, August 12, 2011

The Bizarre Resume of Avro Manhattan By Joseph Laing

It has come to our attention that Baron Avro Manhattan is highly referenced in the works of Catholic bashing agitator and recluse Jack Chick.  What’s quite curious is that Chick would rely on the writings of a Knight of Malta. Supposedly the Knights and the Jesuits are the hidden hand behind the Vatican and a plot to rule the world.  Thus we thought it timely to reprint this article about the Baron.  Thanks to Midnight Special magazine and the author for permission.

Baron Avro Manhattan is known for little, except his seething hatred of Catholics. Manhattan was born in Milan, Italy into a wealthy oligarchic Jewish family of American and Swiss/Dutch origin, on April 6, 1914. As a member of Europe’s aristocracy, Manhattan was a member of numerous elitist Masonic knighthoods. These included, the Knights of the House of Savoy, the Knights Templar, the Knights of the Order of Mercedes and the Knights of Malta.

He was educated at the Sorbonne and the imperialist training camp known as the London School of Economics. In London during World War II, he wrote political commentaries for the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC).

In his youth, Manhattan ran with a circle, which included philanderer and communist artist Pablo Picasso, Hitler apologist and Wagner enthusiast George Bernard Shaw, and one world government architect and science fiction writer H.G. Wells.

The Baron was a close friend of eugenics (race science) advocate Marie Carmichael Stopes.  Stopes called for the "sterilization of those totally unfit for parenthood [to] be made an immediate possibility, indeed made compulsory."  She argued for a "utopia" to be achieved through "racial purification" and was a personal as well as political devotee of Adolf Hitler. These were Manhattan’s friends.

Manhattan wrote sixty books, few of which any human being has ever read. For some odd reason, in this day and age, Manhattan is highly admired by militant Serbian nationalists. Bizarre!

Cliff Kincaid accuses Greenspan’s Wife of bashing Reagan on Her Libya Coverage While Ignoring Obama’s Attack on Gaddafi’s Regime

The article below was written in response to Cliff Kincaid’s article posted here: Kincaid’s article appeared not long after the CIA/MI6 backed color revolution people power coup was first instigated against Libya.

Conspicuously absent from Cliff Kincaid’s so-called America’s Survival web page, is any mention of Obama’s air attack on Libya or, his assassination of someone in Pakistan who supposedly was the terrorist Osama bin Ladin.  Of course Kincaid can’t portray Obama as the war mongering Wall Street puppet that he obviously is, because Kincaid would then have to admit, that Obama’s policies are quite a bit like his own.  Instead Kincaid continues to propound the myth that Obama is some kind of a progressive and I guess if Kincaid didn’t report it on his page, he can pretend it didn’t happen.

Around the time of the so-called popular uprising in Libya and Obama’s support for the alleged forces of democracy, Kincaid wrote an article entitled, “NBC’s Andrea Mitchell Regurgitates Gaddafi Lies and Smears Ronald Reagan.”  In the article he criticizes various U.S. news media outlets for revisiting President Reagan’s bombing of Libyan strongman Muammar Gaddafi’s home.  Gaddafi was not injured but his adopted baby daughter was killed.

Kincaid claims that the baby killed in Gaddafi’s own tent was not his daughter, and that Gaddafi adopted the child after she was killed.  So, Kincaid wants us to believe this child just happened to be in Gaddafi’s tent when Reagan violated international law and bombed Libya killing her?  Kincaid gives us no explanation as to what this child was doing in Gaddafi’s tent.  More on this latter.

Kincaid takes particular exception to NBC’s Andrea Mitchell’s review of the 1986 bombing raid.  Kincaid writes: “Mitchell showed Reagan justifying the attack on Libya by saying, “If necessary we will do it again.”  Now didn’t we just read a quote from “The Great Communicator” admitting he would commit the same crime of killing an innocent child, again?  What’s Kincaid missing here?

Kincaid goes on to describe how the “major media” (for Kincaid this means the “liberal media”) failed to reach clarity on the number of Gaddafi’s children.  He claims that Gaddafi never adopted a baby girl and quibbles about how Time magazine claimed this mythical daughter was 18-months, the New York Times reported she was 15 months and the Washington Post claimed she was a year old.  To Kincaid this matter of a few months is a revelation of some great blunder by the press.  Similarly Kincaid carries on about media reports that cannot confirm a death toll in the air attack.  According to Kincaid various agencies reported between 35 and 60 people murdered in Reagan’s raid.  Kincaid acts as though the discrepancy was in the millions.  This type of nitpicking is astonishing coming from Kincaid who condemns Gaddafi’s brutality and secrecy in one breath, and in another expects the press to report on the exact number of air raid casualties and the age of a dead infant.

Kincaid Knows
After bashing the mass media including Andrea Mitchell the wife of Ronald Reagan nominated Federal Reserve chief Alan Greenspan, Kincaid then goes on to report that he knows exactly who the baby girl was and what happened to her. And how may we ask does he know these things?  Get ready for a shock. A reporter told him!

That’s right.  In a complete turn around, Kincaid claims that a member of the mass media knows exactly what happened.  A reporter from USA Today named Barbara Slavin told Kincaid she was in Libya at the time, saw the dead baby and claims the dictator adopted the child posthumously.  Isn’t it interesting how Kincaid trusts this reporter but no other? 

Who is Barbara Slavin?
Ms. Slavin was Assistant Managing Editor for World and National Security of The Washington Times from 2008 to 2009.  The Washington Times is a daily broadsheet newspaper founded in 1982 by Sun Myung Moon, the founder of the bizarre Unification Church cult.  The newspaper is known for its extremely reactionary and even racist views.  Slavin is also a nonresident senior fellow at The Atlantic Council.  The Atlantic Council describes itself as a nonpartisan institution with members "from the moderate internationalist wings of both parties."  Out of this same Council of internationalists have come a whole slew of Obama team players, including James L. Jones, Susan Rice, Richard Holbrooke, General Eric K. Shinseki and Anne-Marie Slaughter.

So, Cliff Kincaid this great critic of the United Nations, bolshevism and internationalism takes the word of an internationalist who worked for a Moonie cult newspaper and hobnobbed with some of Obama’s key operatives?  Is there no doubt that based on Kincaid’s history that he thinks that most of, if not all of, these former Council members and present Obama operatives are communists?  With this history, how could Kincaid take Slavin’s word?

What’s up with Cliff?
What’s up is that Kincaid could care less about what the truth is in this incident or any other.  Slavin’s story suits Cliff’s agenda and that’s all that’s important.  Kincaid has no concern for the people of the Middle East or whether or not they are free or under a brutal dictator like Gaddafi or Hosni Mubarak.  Not once in this article does Kincaid express even the least bit of compassion for an innocent child whether Gaddafi adopted her or not.  Kincaid feels the same compassion for that Libyan baby that he feels for any man, woman or child presently in Anglo-American gun sites.  He feels none.

Kincaid only feels compassion for the international financial elite.  And why not, these are the people who fund his activities.  Kincaid was once active in the organization Accuracy in Media. Accuracy in Media was partially funded by wealthy investment banker Shelby Cullom Davis and newspaper publisher and billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife.  Kincaid is bought and paid for by billionaires, just as most of the so-called Tea Party is bought and paid for by the billionaire Koch Brothers.